Finally. After months of being sidetracked by work & personal shiite.. Now I can write again. First I have to think of something to write (which posed as much a problem for me as having an anus on your elbow, left or right, it doesn't matter). Andddd.. I just discovered today that I can instantly upload pictures without going through the hassle of registration and configuring the hosting server URLs on this blog. I'm going to go nuts over this neat feature. Upcoming purchase: A digital camera made in Cheapistan!
Feature art: "Lover" by Mary Frank (thanks Nina!).
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Lucah mende? Orang beranak pun dalam posisi yang sama jugak? Kenapa tak terfikir arca tu sebenarnya manifestasi "mother nature"? Hehehe.. Kantoi. Lu suka yg lucah² kan, Zaki?
Ah... lucah.
Ah..ko Zaki..tak ngaku jugak. Hehehe.
Sex With Animals Rule #43: Hold your horses, firmly, before doing them.
FYI folks, civilian has a grudge against me and he has yet to take his medicine at the time he wrote the comment. Please bear with him. Hehehe..
Hey cool. I wanna own this shit! :D