An admirer of finely crafted anything. Will write and design at the right price.

"This just in..."

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After 4 months of quiet, Transit is back.

Here's whats happened to the author in the last quarter of the year two thousand and six:

1) Got engaged and married in 3 months.

2) The Zune was released. Also known as the "shortest squirt in the history of man".

3) Chucked by previous employer. Hired by current employer after 7 days of head scratching and panicking.

(Also, migrated from a lousy 4 year old previous employer's Win98 machine to an awesome 20" iMac - a simply beautiful machine born from hard work and an eye for design. Author owes these lovely people a lot. Will repay with great creative. Much thanks to a certain someone who kept saying that author is a writer of lame copy. Guess what, Nike SEA boss likes the author's "lame" copy.)

4) Moved into our new apartment. Good bye Shah Alam. It was good knowing you.

5) Apple reinvents the mobile phone industry with the long-awaited/predicted - iPhone.

6) Today, Amazon got confused. Here's the proof. Top right corner cross sell banner with copy. Just look at that image description.

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