American Claims Hurricane Katrina A Yakuza Act
American TV weather forecaster Scott Stephens claims his research leads him to believe The Japanese mafia could have generated Hurricane Katrina which ravaged the US gulf coast region 3 weeks ago. The motive is revenge for the American atomic bombing of Japan 60 years ago. This could have been done utilizing weather modification equipment procured from the USSR, a technology which was perfected in in the 1970's. The KPVI forecaster claims the cloud form of the storm was unatural leading him to consider the artificial origin. Stephens has been interviewed around 40 times on American radio regarding his theory as well as granting interviews in the Japanese press.
Yakuza? A weather version of WMD that they miserably failed to find in the Middle East? Aww... c'mon America, you can do better than this. Turn this into a movie and not on the homes of innocent millions. And W, frankly we're all a little too tired of watching your sorry ass speeches & diatribes.
Whoa, great! Sounds like someone has been reading deep black lies lately!