Somebody took a picture of a dust bin wrapped with a blue garbage plastic bag; this is the resulting picture.
It's scary to think that this could happen when (not if!) the fans start to include him in their sexual fantasies. On the other hand, this could be an ad for a condom. Take your pick. (Personally, I'd call it, "Swirl"; an alliteration of the word 'world' or 'whirl' etc, etc.)
Thanks to talented photographer Ezly for this very much nice scenery. Err, Fir. Aku kekadang sangat benci dengan kau. ko tau tak. SANGAT SANGAT. The problem is, i don't know how to get mad, especially at you. Loose me as the fucking reason why U don't ehhh. I ain't u'r scapegoat. Heheheehehehe.
Benci SANGAT SANGAT ke? Tehehehe..
nice one, the pix...nyway 'swirl' is better than whirl or even 'world'!:D
hanina, Mawi kem slam.
Mawi hebat. Korang tak suka, Pofen suka. Bye.
Fuck ah, Zafer. Siti takdek lak lu nak kutuk. Ke Nora Danish ke, M. Nasir ke, Joey ke; ni idola gua lak yg kena. Fuck you, you fucking fuck.
Siti makan telur bai, takkan nak kutuk. Kamil makan telur aku tak kutuk apa. Nora Danish tu..kadang² nampak comel. M. Nasir will outlast ALL his protégés. Joey bodoh² alang. What does Mawi stand for? Commercial masturbation of the many makcik who wants to whore their daughters? Hehe..
some things should just stay where they really belong.
Kenapa kena babitkan nama orang lain Encik Nazim? Malaysia nikan negara yang mengamalkan prinsip demokrasi, suka hati dialah nak kutuk siapa.